Welcome to LJ Catering

homemade lunches will include:

main entree, side, dessert & drink


Ordering will be done a pre-order basis

-order up to 3 weeks in advance

ordering options:

-weekly (drink limited to 1 option)

Multiple students

-must create separate Order per child

checkout limited to 1 child

(due to Ordering notes allowing 1 child per checkout)

ordering deadline

**friday by 5pm **

to order for following week

Ex. Lunch for the week of Sept 6-10 (monday - friday)

will need to be ordered by the Friday, sept 3 @ 5pm

payments accepted: major credit cards and paypal

Missed the Deadline

Contact info

Lorna Jasmin
Email: ljcatering562@gmail.com
Cell Phone: 562.544.5629

**Same day Orders must be in by 8 am